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Short-Term Rental Guidance Preview


On May 29, the Governor released a preview of the safety standards and checklist for lodging operators. The preview provides guidance for increasing operations at lodgings in Massachusetts including short-term rentals that is planned to be included in Phase 2 of the reopening plan. Phase 2 is currently set to begin on June 8, though that is subject to change. The Governor has said that he is planning to announce whether Phase 2 will begin on that date by June 6.

The preview guidance focuses exclusively on hotels and raises several issues that do not apply to short-term rentals, however all relevant hygiene protocols should be followed including:

  • Conduct enhanced cleaning and sanitizing, especially between guests.

  • Keep cleaning logs including the date, time, and scope of cleaning.

  • Subject rentals used by a guest that may have been infected with COVID-19 to enhanced sanitization before future use.

  • Consider leaving units vacant for 24 hours between guests as part of the cleaning protocol to allow for deep cleaning, disinfectant and cleaners to dry, and reasonable air exchange.

  • Consider installing high-efficiency air cleaners and making other modifications to increase the quantity of outside air and ventilation in offices, guest rooms, and other spaces.

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