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Gov. Baker Extends Emergency Eviction Moratorium Law Until October 17, 2020

As expected, Governor Baker extended the emergency eviction moratorium law for 60 days until October 17, 2020 using emergency powers granted by the COVID-19 emergency eviction moratorium law. Specifically, he extended the moratoriums on most residential and small business evictions and foreclosures as well as the provisions permitting mortgage forbearance and use of last month’s rent to cover current expenses law. The emergency law does not relieve tenants or homeowners of their obligation to pay rent or make mortgage payments. The existing moratorium had been set to expire on August 18 but permits the governor to extend the moratorium in increments of up to 90 days.

This announcement comes just 3 weeks after the filing of HD.5166/S.2831, An Act to guarantee housing stability during the COVID-19 emergency and recovery. This bill would extend the eviction moratorium for one-year from the end of the state of emergency in addition to instituting rent control and rent cancellation, unfairly exposing good faith property owners to 93A damages, and sealing records of all renters, not just those impacted by COVID-19. MAR is advocating in strong opposition to this bill with a coalition of real estate groups. With the current two-year legislative session currently scheduled to end in just 10-days, MAR is in daily contact with decision-makers to make a final push on all of our legislative priorities.

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