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Forms & Extensions

Forms and Extensions

Short-Term Rental Cancellation Addendum

Updated May 15, 2020


  • To assist our members brokering short-term rental contracts for stays beginning after May 4, MAR has developed a short-term rental cancellation addendum that may be attached to those lease agreements.


  • This addendum addresses deposits placed on those rentals, and what happens in the event the landlord is unable to provide occupancy or the tenant is unable to travel to the property to take tenancy as a direct result of the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.


Massachusetts Extends Tax Filing Deadline

Last Updated March 27, 2020


  • Massachusetts has agreed to delay the state personal income tax filing and payment deadline to July 15. This is a three month extension from the usual April 15 deadline. The extension was announced by Governor Charlie Baker and the Legislature. The change will bring Massachusetts in line with the federal government’s decision to push the deadline back for reasons related to the recent coronavirus outbreak. 


  • The extension was put in place to help give people flexibility as they navigate through these uncertain times. Members of the public are encouraged to make health and personal safety a top priority and to take the extra time to file their taxes if needed.  


  • Anyone with questions can call the Massachusetts Department of Revenue at (617) 887-6367 or send a secure e-message through MassTaxConnect.

COVID-19 Addendum

Last Updated March 24, 2020


  • MAR has been working diligently to provide our members with the most relevant information and resources as we navigate this pandemic. MAR has developed a COVID-19 Addendum that you may use to accompany real estate purchase contracts. This addendum addresses COVID-19-specific delays and allows for an extension to the time for performance.


  • This form is available for download HERE and will be available through our forms platform shortly.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Inspection Addendum

Last Updated March 24, 2020


  • We recognize that obtaining a smoke certificate is a critical component to the majority of real estate transactions in Massachusetts. As a result of the Governor’s emergency declaration, many local fire departments are not currently scheduling smoke and carbon monoxide detector inspections. MAR, working closely with our industry partners, was able to secure a deferral of this requirement.


  • MAR has developed an addendum for our members’ use in satisfying the requirements of the Executive Order.


  • This form may be downloaded HERE and will be available through our forms platform shortly.

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